
Pest Control Services

Four Types of Bees You Might See in Your Yard

Bees are best known for pollinating flowers and for their ability to sting. However, the world of bees is so much more complex than that description suggests. There are about 20,000 recognized species of bees, and bees have been found on all continents except Antarctica.Thankfully, there are only a ...
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Six Things That Might Be Inviting Cockroaches into Your Home

Finding cockroaches in your home can make your stomach drop. These pests are known to spread disease and aggravate allergies. Also, once they've moved in, they're not easy to get rid of. It's a lot easier to keep cockroaches out of your home than to deal with an active infestation. If you're making ...
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Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Yard | Pest Control Services Inc

Mosquitoes are more than just an annoyance. Experts have called them "the most dangerous animal in the world" due to the way they spread diseases like malaria, zika virus, and yellow fever. There's no doubt about it: having mosquitoes in your yard is a dangerous situation. Thankfully, there are ...
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How to Identify and Properly Dispose of Mouse Droppings

Since mice are nocturnal, it is unlikely you'll spot one until after you have a full infestation on your hands. Instead, you'll want to keep an eye out for any evidence that a mouse has been lurking around your home.The most obvious form of proof is mouse droppings. Once you come across droppings, ...
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Signs You Have a Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches are some of the world’s most resilient pests. While there are several types of these creatures, there are common signs of their presence. Roaches You Can See During the Day  Roaches are nocturnal. If they are visible and active during the day you have a larger infestation on your hands ...
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